Saturday, April 10, 2010

Third Posting of Cañada Alamosa

Here are a few more photos of Cañada Alamosa. The Rio Alamosa flows from west to east, from the lower Plains of San Augustin, and Sierra Wahoo, Black Range, to the Rio Grande. Cañada Alamosa was the homeland of the Chihene N'de Apache ("Red Paint Apache"), also known as the "Warm Spring Apaches." Or, "Warm SPRINGS Apache." Why the difference? Is there a difference?
Well, I learned last week (April 4), that there actually ARE TWO "ojos" @ Cañada Alamosa.
The second warm spring was separate from the other, but, taken together, they constitute Warm SPRINGS.
Both may have been used by Apaches. Until last weekend, I did not even KNOW there was a second springs.
As the Apaches could be prudish, and were certainly "correct" and "fastidious" about separation of the sexes, possibly one spring was used by men and boys and another by women and girls.
In addition to these two springs, both of which began with seeps, and springs, "streams" flowed into the Rio Alamosa. As such, those springs may have flowed for decades, perhaps centuries. And, according to my source, the Rio Alamosa has not run dry in historical times.
The Rio Alamosa itself is a beautiful drive of 18 miles - one way to the other.


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