Comprehensive Immigration Reform
I want to open a dialogue on this matter.
Our federal house & senate representatives need to do some work.
They need to work together to solve this problem once & for all.
Illegal immigration is a planetary problem.
The resources we take for granted: clean air, clean water, limitless lands to spread out in, room to move, and
jobs, are all under pressure as our population increases.
There are illegal immigrants in most countries in Europe. There are even illegal immigrants in some nations in
Central America & South America.
I do not favor "amnesty," which would be a forgiveness of all illegal immigrants in the nation, & some kind of automatic citizenship.
My plan would offer all illegals, regardless of where they've come from, to stay, & GET IN LINE for citizenship.
But there will be a # of conditions that would apply & they would have to comply with.
If those are too onerous, they will have to leave, and, leave within 6 month's time.
We're mostly all familiar with "resetting the defaults" on a computer.
This would do just that.
Illegals with children under the age of 18 would need to prove where those children will reside if they (the parents),
leave the country. Just because they have children who are citizens by birth place, won't be sufficient to allow all
to stay.
They had choices in that situation, and the country does not "owe" them some special favor for their having children
when they were illegal.
Keep watching this website for my "Comprehensive Immigration Reform Act, 2013."