PDF Photos

These are five photos that will hopefully appear in the June Desert Exposure.
I saved them as PDFs, so you should be able to enlarge them, or view them as larger photos.
The hospital was the 249th General Hospital, Camp Drake, Japan.
Originally a regimental base for one of the First Cavalry Division's units in Japan, prior to the Korean War,
they were converted into hospital wards.
There was also a super secret Army Security Agency (ASA) listening station there. They undoubtedly listened to all
radio broadcasts from Soviet Bloc & Chinese, North Korea, North Vietnamese, etc., radio transmissions.
All I know is that on one drunken walk back from a trip down town to Tokyo, I barfed all over the lawn as my head was
spinning from too much booze, Japanese sushi, and probably some sake or other kind of wine.
It was a bad mix ... it might actually have been eel ... or squid ... whatever, it all came up on the lawn of the Army Security Agency unit stationed @ Camp Drake.
I often wondered who came across that the next morning, as they ran "police call."
Hell, those guys were so secret, they might not have even DONE police call.